KWTI tez orada STEM ta'limi va o'qitish, biznes va iqtisod, hisoblash ijtimoiy fanlari hamkorlikdagi fanlararo fan va STEM ta'limi va tadqiqotlari orqali global tinchlik va bag'rikenglikni tarqatish xabarini targ'ib qilish kabi muhim mavzular doirasida yangi konferentsiyalarni taklif qiladi. butun dunyo bo'ylab barcha talabalar, o'qituvchilar, o'qituvchilar va mutaxassislar.
This course is an introduction to the concepts of algebra that examines real numbers and variables as they are involved in polynomials, fractions, linear equations, quadratic equations, systems of equations, inequalities, exponential and radical expressions, and absolute value. Factoring, graphing, and word problem applications will also be included.
This course aims to introduce students to fundamental notions of calculus, we emphasize on the study of functions and their rates of change, definitions, concepts, and interpretations of the derivative, definite and indefinite integrals, differentiation, integration with some applications in science and technology. Also, applied problems in engineering are included.
This course aims to introduce students to the techniques of integration, improper integrals, infinite series, power series, parameterized curves, polar coordinates, integration in polar coordinates and complex numbers.
This course aims to introduce students to the calculus of functions of several variables, vectors and analytic geometry of three-dimensional space, partial derivatives, gradients, directional derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green’s theorem, Divergence theorem and Stokes’ theorem.
This course aims to introduce students to systems of linear equations, algebra of matrices, linear transformations, determinants, vector spaces, inner product spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization and orthogonality, special matrices and applications.
This course aims to introduce students to the mathematical formulation of ordinary differential equations, methods of solution and applications of first order and second order differential equations, power series solutions, solutions by Laplace transforms, and solutions of first order linear systems.
This course aims to introduce many numerical approximation techniques including topics such as error analysis, root finding, interpolation, function approximations, numerical differentiation, numerical integration and numerical solutions of initial value problems.
This course aims to introduce students to advanced mathematical techniques and numerical methods essential for solving engineering problems. Topics covered include Laplace Transform, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, z-transform, and numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
This course aims to preliminaries of probability theory and random variables, stochastic processes, spectral characteristics, applications to systems, Markov chains and queuing theory.
This course aims to introduce students to fundamental notions of fractional-order calculus, we emphasize on the study various classical and modern defintions of fractional order derivatives with applications to science and engineering.